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OnlineFence Blog
What Are The Benefits Of Installing A Privacy Fence?Jul 16 2018 | By: Mike Dominique | Posted in: Privacy
Extra ProtectionA privacy fence will provide protection for your young children and pets, keeping them within the boundary. By the same merit, the privacy fence will help keep intruders and stray animals out. A privacy fence also works wonders at blocking out peeping eyes, acting as a deterrent to potential burglaries by keeping valuables out of sight from would-be thieves. Your property will benefit from having a clear line of where the land separates from the neighboring property. Provides Shelter For Your GardenIf you are growing your own garden, your plants will have some extra protection. A nice privacy fence will provide your plants with an extra level of security against the wind and any debris. Reduces Nearby NoisesSince a privacy fence doesn’t have any gaps in it’s design, it will work well towards blocking nearby noise. For example, if your house is near a street with busy traffic, a privacy fence will buffer everything coming in to either keep it quiet or silent completely. You will be astonished after your first night of restful sleep! Increases Property ValuePrivacy fences are considered a valued commodity amongst Connecticut homeowners (it's definitely an eye catcher for prospective homeowners as well). By adding a privacy fence to your home, you can increase your property value for years to come, until it's time to sell. You can use a privacy fence as a selling point when others are looking for a home in the future. Low MaintenancePrivacy fences have been designed to last years and will require minimum maintenance to stay in tip-top shape. If you buy an unfinished step, you can protect it with just a few coats of varnish and surface debris can be cleaned away with a rag, soap, and warm water. If your privacy fence shows signs of rust within a few years, you can remove it wit ha sandpaper or a wire brush, before treating to stop the rust from returning. Southington Rustic FenceIt is essential to check what your local municipal building code dictates about fencing, it sometimes can state how your fence should look, how high it can be, or what material you need to use. Municipal building codes may also help you establish your property lines, and will tell you how far your fence must be from the sidewalk or other fences. Add your comment (for display after moderator approval) |