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OnlineFence Blog
The Top Reasons Homeowners Replace Old Wood FencesMay 03 2017 | By: Mike Dominique |
Wood fencing has been a common choice for homeowners over the years, as it only needs a coat of paint/sealant to keep it looking new and fresh; however, there are many other fencing materials that are now equal to wood’s performance value. There are several advantages to choosing an alternative fencing material. This post will cover several of the benefits associated with replacing an old wood fence. Curb Appeal ImprovementReplacing the wood fence on your property can go a long way towards updating your property’s aesthetic, leading to an increase in curb appeal. No matter what look you want for your home, classic or contemporary, a new fence that is custom designed for your home and style can give you the look you and other home owners desire. There’s a wide variety of fence designs and style are available ranging from the simple to complex designs. Consider contacting a local CT fence contractor who can assist you in making the right decision for your needs and budget. Some Fence Materials Have A Longer LifespanIf you’ve had a fence installed on your property in the past, you’re aware of how much it costs— it’s not exactly cheap, though some fence installation projects can be completed with modest budgets. When it’s time for a new fence, you want to ensure that you’re investing in a fence that will last for many years. Wood fences are simple to maintain for a few years, but after that you may notice some minor deterioration due to weather and termites. If you’re interested in a long lasting fence, replace your wood fence with a more durable option, like wrought iron or metal. While these types of materials incur a higher initial cost, they require significantly less maintenance. Termite PreventionUnfortunately, wood fences are prone to termite and pest infestation— of course, some areas of the state are more susceptible to this than others. To prevent your fence from being damaged by termites, consider replacing your fence with a different material. Choosing Non-Toxic & Child Safe OptionsUnlike wood fences, which are often treated with chemicals to protect the fence from weathering, vinyl is non-toxic. It doesn’t splinter and contains no nails or sharp edges that can harm children or animals. Vinyl fencing is also an environmentally friendly fence material, since it is fully recyclable and offers an eco-conscious alternative to the dwindling supply of trees harvested for wood fencing Vinyl Fencing Makes for Easy InstallationSince vinyl fences are very easy to install, most people can install themselves if they choose so. This also translates into savings if you do choose to have a professional install for you because of reduced labor time and costs involved. It is a “win win” regardless if you install on your own or have a pro install for you. Vinyl fences can be the best fencing option for many of those who want the most flexibility out of their fence. Furthermore, vinyl fences can be great for those who do not want to worry about having to replace their fence again in the future. Contact us to find out more about the vinyl fencing options that are available to you as well as for advice on whether a vinyl fence may be the best option for your home. Unlike wood fences, which are often treated with chemicals to protect the fence from weathering, vinyl is non-toxic. It doesn’t splinter and contains no nails or sharp edges that can harm children or animals. Vinyl fencing is also an environmentally friendly fence material, since it is fully recyclable and offers an eco-conscious alternative to the dwindling supply of trees harvested for wood fencing. - See more at: http://onlinefence.com/blog?article=33#sthash.IQ27RUPJ.dpuf
Unlike wood fences, which are often treated with chemicals to protect the fence from weathering, vinyl is non-toxic. It doesn’t splinter and contains no nails or sharp edges that can harm children or animals. Vinyl fencing is also an environmentally friendly fence material, since it is fully recyclable and offers an eco-conscious alternative to the dwindling supply of trees harvested for wood fencing. - See more at: http://onlinefence.com/blog?article=33#sthash.IQ27RUPJ.dpuf
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